Wednesday 14 August 2013

The Prologue

 Glasgow Games Group (G3), 13/08/2013


 As an introduction to the Infantry Aces campaign being run in September, and to demonstrate the game to new and interested players I opted to run a demonstration game to two chaps on the above date. This soon became six players as interest grew, and would have expanded more were it not for time and space constraints.

 The venue for both the demonstration and the campaign proper is Woodside Halls in the north of Glasgow.

Woodside Halls, with the aftermath of the battle clear to see

 The battlefield was a simple one for the players to fight over, with a road running north to south, with an intersection taking it east. A small dwelling near the middle surrounded by fields and the occasional copse of trees dotting the countryside to provide cover. Finally, two low-rise hills to provide vantage points for guns or tanks. With the scenery in place, it was time to start the battle.

 On the side of the Axis we have Hauptmann Craig and his Unteroffizers Grace and Iain, and opposing them Colonel Chris and his subalterns Scott and Murray.

The war councils begin to plan their strategies, or merely pose for the camera

Turn One

 With the Allies winning the dice roll to start the game they move off from their starting positions, Lieutenant Murray taking control of a platoon of Shermans, supported by the 2iC. They wheel round the western hillock in an attempt to flank Unteroffizer Grace's PaK 40's which sit covering the Tiger objective in the middle of the road. They open fire, dispatching one of the guns with a well-placed 75mm shell. Colonel Chris sends his Sherman platoon down the middle, using the southern woods to shield his approach from the deadly AT guns and their supporting StuGs. Finally the American support from Technical Sergeant Scott in the form of Paratroopers advance through the south eastern woods tentatively on their approach towards the Cromwell objective crashed in the nearby vineyard. 

 Considering the Shermans to be a threat on the west-flank, Grace pulls back the remaining AT gun to behind the cover of the nearby forest, relying on the StuGs to offer some support in dealing with the troublesome tanks. Unteroffizer Iain however spots that Colonel Chris has been poor in his positioning and has left the Sherman Firefly in the open to one of his StuGs. The assault guns climb the hill and open fire on the hapless tank. Thankfully for the allies, the shots knock a track loose, but leaves the Firefly in the fight. The two platoons of Grenadiers make their way towards the house and it's adjoining vineyard, safe in the knowledge that the Yankee dogs are still a march away.

Turn Two

 The inactive Firefly fails to get moving again as the crew botches their test to remount the bailed vehicle, leaving it at the mercy of the Germans. Not wishing the same fate on his remaining Shermans, Colonel Chris pulls the three back further behind the forest. Sensing the demise of the PaK 40's, Murray advances his Shermans round the forest and lets rip, decimating the AT gun and their command team for the first platoon loss of the game. Cold stares and heartless words are exchanged across the table for the merciless slaughtering of the platoon. The Americans begin to cross open ground, confident in their training to allow them to seize the Cromwell objective.

The Shermans make short work of the remaining PaK 40

 Eager to extract vengeance on the ruthless Shermans, Unteroffizer Iain diverts two of his StuGs down the hill towards the advancing tanks, in order to blunt this spearhead advance. The tactic pays off as one of the Shermans go up in flames, while another bails out against the small volley of fire. The German grenadiers continue their advance, with Hauptmann Craig's platoon and CiC taking up a position in the middle forest, while Unteroffizer Grace with the 2iC edge the vineyard in preparation to repel the advancing Americans.

Turn Three

The bailed Firefly manages to get back into the fight after a turn out, as does the bailed Sherman on the west-flank. The Firefly showing it's worth by knocking out the lone StuG cresting the hill, while the thick frontal armour of the two on the flat save them from the repeated bombardment from Lieutenant Murray's Shermans. T.S. Scott's Paratroopers take up a position on the other side of the vineyard to the Grenadiers, denying them the objective outright and allowing them shots into the German lines.The burst of rounds from the Americans sends one squad of grenadiers to an early bath, but didn't do enough to pin the stalwart Jerries.

It's game over for the lone StuG on the hill as Unteroffizer Iain awaits the inevitable

 Vengeance soon comes for the StuGs as they rip into the Shermans on the west-flank, knocking out the two remaining Sherman V's, leaving only the Firefly active. With the 2iC gone, the Firefly crew decide to be cautious, not stupid, and retreat to fight another day. The Grenadiers fearing a little under the high amount of fire coming their way attempt to dig in to repel the advancing allies, but the tangle of roots in the vineyard makes it hard for the Grenadiers there, and their comrades in the forest fair no better, with both platoons failing to dig in. The reduced fire from them fails to dissuade the Paratroopers as turn three ticks over.

Turn three from the air. The Grenadiers and Paratroopers exchange fire across the vineyard

Turn Four

 With the threat on the hill dealt with, the Shermans turn their attentions to the vineyard and the objective, trundling forward to provide fire support for the Americans, alas the cover of the forest proves too good and not a single team falls under the hail of bullets. The Paratroopers show them how it's done, with the Grenadiers in the vineyard taking a beating  which costs them their platoon command. Thankfully a Sergent is on hand to take over and with a little 'encouragement' from the nearby 2iC manage to keep themselves in the fight.
The situation looks grim for the Axis as their platoon in the vineyard gets reduced to almost nought

The Germans put their backs into it, and this time manage to break the earth and construct good defensive positions in fox-holes. The reduced fire from the Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck of the Grenadiers in the woods doesn't hamper them from bailing a Sherman. The luck of the Americans continues no more as the Paratroopers finally begin taking a few casualties from the fire of the Grenadiers, but not enough to drive them off.

The line in the sand is drawn, but neither side is brave enough to cross

Turn Five

 Confident that they can seize the victory, Colonel Chris continues the fire into the Grenadiers, taking out a team while the Americans find it hard going to even dent the dug in Grenadiers in the vineyard. Confidence they might have had, luck they didn't.

Colonel Chris (right) directs the battle as Lieutenant Murray looks on

 Showing them how it's done, the remaining Grenadier platoon combines their fire with the Company Commander's and lays waste to the Paratroopers, reducing them to only a few men. Continuing their good run of luck, the anti-tank weapons of the CiC's platoon brews up a Sherman and bails the Allies CiC. With the Paratroopers gone it was only the Shermans left to seize the day.

The AT weapons from the Grenadiers are put to good use, lighting up a Sherman and bailing the other

Turn Six

 Sensing that it's now or never, and on the advice of a certain Ranger, Colonel Chris passes the company command test, gets his CiC back into his tank and leads his men into the heart of the Grenadiers, machine-guns blazing and tracks grinding they pin the Germans before they declare their assault. The staunch defenders attempt to halt the charge with their AT weapons, but to no avail as the Shermans roar into their positions.. and then subsequently only kill one base.  The counter-attack from the Germans is merciless, wiping out the Sherman platoon and leaving the objectives free to be taken by the Axis.

The last ditch attempt from the Allies goes awry as the German defenders swamp the remaining tanks

Result and Aftermath

 A resounding win for the Axis on the face of it, though there were points where it looked dire, especially when the Pak 40s were taken out so early, and then later on when the Grenadiers holding the objective were subjected to the brutal firepower of the Paratroopers.

Come in number 12, your time is up. The lone StuG burns on the hill

The sad remains of the once victorious Shermans burn on the west-flank

The victorious Axis forces (from left to right), Unteroffizer Grace, Hauptmann Craig and Unteroffizer Iain

That's got us all right in the mood for the upcoming Infantry Aces campaign being run at the club. Watch this space for more action from the games and a track of who's winning, who's losing and who's just having a laugh.

 That's all from the field for now, over and out.

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