Sunday 1 September 2013

Final preparations and incentives

  A drudgery of painting

 Alas, painting is something most people need to be in the mood to do, and I'm no different. With the campaign due to start in a few days, I thought it would be remiss of me not to have my own force fully painted and ready to go.
 This probably will happen if I can get myself in order over the next few days. I'll post up pictures of the models with the first reports from the front lines on Wednesday.

 The production line

 Like many people I'm rattling through my own models (A British Rifle Company) as quickly, but as neatly as I can. And to do this I'm having to mix a few different ways of painting.
 The newer 'Guards Rifle Platoon' (BR 812) is easily compatible with the textured bases available from Battlefront. I managed to get a hold of a set during the pre-order time for the D-Day compilation. The plugs on the base of the models are rounded, meaning they require little to no fiddling to get them into the holes on the bases.

The textured base set (XX 107)

 The mortar teams however come on oddly shaped bases, some more oblong, therefore harder to fit into the bases. For these teams I've gone down the normal route of using White Pumice to build up a textured base. The same will be done for the 6pdrs and HMG teams later on in the campaign.

The models ready and waiting to be started on

 I'm determined to lead by example and have them all finished for the start of the campaign, otherwise I'll feel immense shame.
A liberal basecoat of chocolate brown for the boys

 But, how to encourage other players to get their army sorted and painted for the Campaign? Offer incentives, as outlined below.

 How to get played painting... A tough challenge for any organiser, since busy lives and lack of enthusiasm can kill off a player's drive to have their models on the table painted, sometimes not even undercoated!

 So, for the campaign I am introducing some penalties and incentives to get people painting:

  • If your Infantry Ace (Your Company Command model) is not painted, you will have to pay a deposit of 1XP until they are painted, keeping you at a disadvantage
  • If your entire half-company is painted, you may choose a random 'Tactical Edge' token at the start of each game
  • I'm looking into awarding a prize to the 'Player's Choice Army'. At the end of the campaign, I will poll every player and ask whose army they thought was best painted (No voting for yourself), and the winner will get something nice I'm sure.
 So, with these incentives in place I'm eager to see the bright and shiny armies on display over the next few months as the Infantry Aces Campaign rumbles on. And be sure to check here every Wednesday for the after-action report from each weeks' games.

 For now good luck to all involved. Over and out.

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